Home Staging Tips: Set Up Your Home To Sell For More

Getting ready to sell your home? Proper staging can attract buyers and increase the sale price of your home by anywhere between 1 to 20 percent! In order to get the maximum value from your home, there are some home staging tips you should know about.

What Is Home Staging?

Home staging is setting up your home so that potential buyers can picture themselves living in the space, and ensuring you’re showing off the maximum potential of space, room, and the entire house as a whole.

Staging can be done by realtors, professional staging companies, or the homeowners themselves. The price for home staging can depend on different things such as the size of the home

Home Staging Tips

Start Outside

You want to make the best first impression you possibly can. The first thing potential buyers are going to assess is the curb appeal of the home.

Increasing that appeal takes a little bit of work, but it’s nothing that can’t be completed within an afternoon and a couple of hundred dollars. Here are some things you can do:

  • Power wash the outside of your home by renting a pressure washer.
  • Paint the front door, shutters, and accents of the house bright colours to make it pop.
  • Make sure the grass looks green in the summer and plant some fresh flowers.
  • If it’s winter, get some perennials or potted plants that can withstand the cold weather.
  • Add some furniture to the front porch.

A Blank Canvas

While making the home look pretty is important, making sure you’re depersonalizing your home before potential buyers view it is crucial.

You want them to fantasize about their new life in their new home. What it will be like to cook in the kitchen, hang out in the living room, and put the kids to sleep in their bedroom? Some things you should consider boxing up early:

  • Family photos
  • Kid’s artwork and crafts
  • Personal collectables
  • Personal interest pieces
  • Framed diplomas or certificates

Spending a little  money decorating the house with more generic artwork and knick knacks will work wonders.

Lighting Is Key

Your home should be warm and inviting. The best (and easiest) way to do this is through good lighting.

First, take advantage of all the natural light you can by opening all the curtains and blinds when showing the home. Turn on all the lights, including ones in the closets, and add any new lighting fixtures or lamps you might need to brighten up darker areas.

Another additional tip: You can use highly reflective art and mirrors to bounce light, pushing away even more shadows and brightening up dimly lit areas.

The Kitchen Is King

Everyone cares about their new kitchen. Always have, always will.

A freshly renovated kitchen is obviously a huge selling point, but small changes can also make a big difference. Some simple things you can do to make the kitchen look better:

  • Clear away clutter. This includes anything hanging on the fridge.
  • Pack up all the dishes and glassware, leaving just one matching set.
  • If trash cans aren’t in a hidden spot, move them (and always empty them too).
  • Make it smell fantastic with flowers, candles, or even by cooking something like cookies.

The thing is, you can find a fifteen point guide for homes staging tips covering every single room inside the house. There are countless things you can do to increase the value of your home, but you’re adding that on top of the countless other things to take care of.

Or you could just sell with Riopelle Veer.

We take care of everything (including home staging) from start to finish, so you can just focus on saying goodbye.




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