Creative Home Decor Ideas For Your New Place!

Sick of the old decor? Want to make your first home something unique? Moving into your new place and need some fresh ways to make it pop? Well, we’ve got a few creative home decor ideas for you.

Decor comes in two flavours: stuff you can buy and the DIY variety! Either way, we’ve got some awesome and easy ways to add some visual spice.

Do It Yourself

First up, we’ll tackle some items you can make yourself. Yeah, it’s more work, but it’ll save you some money, and you might be the sort of person who enjoys this kinda stuff anyway!

Unique Candles

This first one is awesome because you can get really creative with it.

Head to your favourite second-hand store and pick out some items made of tin, ceramic, or other materials. Tea cups are a fantastic choice here. Then just melt some candle wax into it, add a wick, and you’ve got a one of a kind candle you won’t find anywhere else!

Clipboard Art

It might sound strange, but this is an amazing way to keep your decor fresh!

Pick up some clipboards (you can either find some cool ones or maybe even paint some yourself for even more creative flair) and hang them in a row. Then you can easily swap in and out new photos, newspaper clippings, magazine pages, or anything else you find interesting!

Since it’s so easy to swap stuff in and out, there’s no limit to the amount of times you want to change things up!


If you love drawing (or want to get better) you’re going to need a canvas!

Pick up a chalkboard or go all out and paint a section of the wall with chalkboard paint to give yourself a spot to explore your creativity on demand! Summer? Beach themed drawings. Autumn? Falling leaves and pumpkins. Winter? Lights, snowmen, and snowy landscapes. The possibilities are endless.

This is also the perfect option if you have kids!

Buy It

Not everyone likes DIY projects and sometimes home decor is left to the professionals! Here are a few of our favourite ideas that cut out the work.

Oversized Clocks

We love a good combination of form and function.

With so many different styles to choose from, finding an oversized clock that fits with the rest of your decor is incredibly easy. As an added bonus, you’ll always know what time it is!


While we don’t recommend wall-to-wall mirrors, turning your home into a fun house of sorts (though, you do you), everyone needs a good mirror or two.

Once again, there are so many styles and sizes to choose from that finding one to match the rest of the room is usually a breeze. We’ve also mentioned this before, but mirrors are also a fantastic way to enhance natural light.


When it comes to creative home decor, sometimes there’s no need to overthink things!

You might already have a collection of books and all it needs is a nice bookshelf. Alternatively, you could cheat a little and just go to a thrift store, buy a bunch of cheap books, and fill up your shelf. You don’t actually need to have read them to display them!

Maybe check out the SparkNotes, so you’re ready if anyone asks your opinion on one of them.




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